Friday, March 27, 2009

Stream of Conciousness: WIKIWIKI

So I realized that i completely lack content here... there is absolutely nothing interesting about this blog to attract users.

So I thought to myself, what can I write about? Inspiration struck me. "I always have these great ideas but I have trouble getting it down in words. So what if i just wrote about anything as i think about it! Yes!"

So this is me just letting out the words as they come to my mind. Unfortunately I dont have anything particularly interesting on my mind.

Damn I need to do my Bio Wiki Entry. You're probably thinking to yourself "Huhhhh?" Lemme explain. In my biology class, we have to write a journal everyday for homework. We have to write about what we did or learned. Instead of writing it up and handing it in, we post it onto a wiki. We each get a page for ourselves and we post our journal entries

Incase you dont know what at wiki is, allow me to explain. Actually, I could direct you to the WIKIPEDIA article about it. Wikipedia is a perfect example of a wiki. Anyone can go in and edit it. The creators don't create the content; the users do.

Now some people have criticized this, saying "oh if anyone can edit, you dont know if its accurate". An example of this is this blog post (which actually happens to mention me, xD)

...I think google is a better search engine than wikipedia. My main reason is because google doesn't allow thousands of people to contribute & edit information,so you are assured that the info will be 100% correct.But that doesn't mean that wikipedia is bad, it just means that google is slightly more assertive. This is why I think google is better to search with than wikipedia.

Now this guy tries to make some sort of point, saying that he trusts google more than wikipedia... what?

I wrote this comment back

I have to disagree with your point about Wikipedia vs Google. First of all, they are completely different, so they are difficult to compare. But google is actually just as open as wikipedia. Google is a search engine, and so the Google corperation themselves dont make any of the content. On top of that, the fact that any given page can not be editted by anyone can make the information less accurate. I could make a page on the internet with completely innacurate information and it could end up showing up on google. And even if somebody knows that the info is wrong, they can not edit my website. But if I made a page with completely innacurate info on wikipedia, people could find it and say "hey this isn't right" and fix it themselves. And if they make it even more incorrect, there will still be someone coming in and correcting it. The fact that hundreds of thousands of people edit it just makes it more accurate because there are more people to check the facts.

Ok well I'm done with my ranting. I'll try to do this more often. Peace out


(PS Wow this was actually a terrible stream of conciousness lmao)


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